Anti-static dust filter bag is made of PET fiber and Acrylic conductive fiber. The maximum temperature of the bag to withstand is 130oC. Semiconductor fibers are combined with insulating polyester fibers that completely reduce electrical risks. In factories and factories that always use electricity to operate machines, there are many different types of dust such as sulfur dust, road dust, coal dust, aluminum dust … that are easy to catch fire and explosion. Therefore, the anti-static dust filter bag is the best solution to prevent accidental damage.
Why do we use anti-static bags. Industrialization and modernization of factories and factories to increase production must have machines and equipment that all use electricity to operate and operate. Electricity, the problem is always lurking because dust particles are always flying in the air, especially metal conductive dust, road dust, wood dust, sulfur dust that is easily ignited. To avoid damage and avoid unfortunate incidents, we must have appropriate and effective solutions. Among the solutions, the anti-static dust filter bag solution is the most effective because of the low investment cost but high efficiency.
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